BPA Psychodrama and Sociodrama Conference 2025

Friday to Sunday, 11-13th July 2025 Sedgebrook Hall, Chapel Brampton Northamptonshire NN6 8BD, UK

We are delighted to announce that the British Psychodrama Association (BPA) annual conference for 2025 will take place Friday to Sunday, 11th – 13th July 2025. The conference will start mid-day on Friday and finish at 1:45pm on Sunday. The theme of the conference is “Being in Action: Psychodrama and Sociodrama in Clinical and Non-clinical Settings.”
Who is it for? This conference is for psychodrama and sociodrama practitioners and trainees from anywhere in the world, and practitioners and trainees from any related modality in the psychological therapies, coaching, organisational development, personal development, educational, voluntary sector, the helping and caring professions, applied theatre, and related specialisms. The conference will be relevant to anyone who uses – or seeks to develop – their skills in facilitating action methods in clinical and non-clinical settings.

The title of the conference: ‘Being in Action,’ is meant to capture the integrative nature of
psychodrama and sociodrama, with reflective processes realised through active means. Please come prepared to actively participate.
And don’t miss the pre-conference! We are excited to also offer a two-day pre-conference workshop on 9th and 10th July 2025 (Wednesday and Thursday) to be co-facilitated by the highly esteemed international trainers Ina Hogenboom and Jacomien Ilbrink, on the theme of “Trauma-Informed Healing: Integrating the Therapeutic Spiral Model and Sociometry.”

For more information about how to propose a workshop and when and how to book your
place, please stay in tune with this page. More details will follow in the coming weeks, along with invitations to submit workshop proposals and other offers.
The 2025 BPA Conference Committee
The theme of the conference is: Being in Action: Psychodrama and Sociodrama in Clinical and Non-clinical Settings. The theme is intentionally wide, to include the use of psychodrama, sociodrama and action methods in a variety of settings, both clinical and non-clinical. We are particularly interested in proposals for workshops that are co-led by two facilitators, although we will also be happy to receive proposals from solo facilitators. The deadline for submitting proposals is midnight on Wednesday 20th January 2025. It will be helpful if your proposals are in line with the theme of the Conference. Full information about the criteria for workshop selection is given via the link below.
Please note that only one proposal per applicant will be reviewed. If you are co-facilitating a workshop, please designate one person as the main contact for the workshop, and please include a short biographical description for each of you. We will use the email address supplied on the form for all correspondence related to your proposal.

Please feel free to circulate this call for workshops to your colleagues and social media contacts.

This page will be updated regularly, and in January 2025 we will open bookings for conference places.
If you have any questions before submitting your proposal, please contact the conference committee on: conference@psychodrama.org.uk . Or you can contact the conference committee co-chairs, Clark Baim and Sarah Cvjetan, directly on cbaim@hotmail.com or sarahcvj@yahoo.co.uk
Thanks so much. We hope to hear from you soon!