The British Journal of Psychodrama and Sociodrama
The BPA Executive Committee has recently agreed to stop the publication of the journal. The last journal published was Vol 31 dated 2016 but printed in 2018. We have come to this difficult decision because, in spite of several calls in Tele for academic articles and editorial assistance from the membership over the last two years, there have not been enough submissions and offers.
As the current Executive Committee of the BPA work to understand how a new form of the BPA Journal of Psychodrama and Sociodrama may come to fruition with contributions and editorial of a high standard, we will also reprint the most special articles from early editions within tele, starting with ‘The Psychodramatic Model of Madness’.
The BPA publishes its newsletter Tele-tronic bi-monthly. Tele-tronic is an electronic newsletter with on average 10 pages of articles and photographs on what’s happening in the Psychodrama community in the UK and abroad. Tele-tronic is a space for news and views from BPA members and the Psychodrama community.
Electronic versions of Tele-tronic in PDF format are available to those interested in our work.
Backdated newsletters are available to members only.
TELE-tronic Editors – Szekan Cheung, Diane Adderley, Stephen Fitzpatrick & Sarah Morley
Email: tele@psychodrama.org.uk