Marcia Karp M.A. Trainer, Educator, Practitioner TEP. Co-Founder and Past Honorary President BPA; Co-Founder and Honorary Member FEPTO; Distinguished Fellow and Past Board Member IAGP; Fellow ASGPP; (JL Moreno Lifetime Achievement and William Moreno Awards), Lifetime Achievement Award BPA; Co-Director Holwell International Centre for Psychodrama and Sociodrama; Co-Editor The Handbook of Psychodrama; Psychodrama Since Moreno; Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique, Routledge. Available in English ( Amazon) Portuguese, Ukrainian, Japanese, Russian, Greek, Hebrew,.Chapter in Psychodrama for Trauma Survivors, Current Co-editor Trauma and Psychodrama Wartime Support Groups; Tele’Drama Presenter; Online Treatment Groups, International Trainer and Supervisor UKCP Private Practice