This workshop is about attending to the bigger picture without forgetting about the individual within so that we are not so overwhelmed by the events in the world that we cannot act. We can often feel so helpless in our current situation that it renders us useless, and yet we have the capacity to relate and to feel for our fellow human being so that we can choose to connect to make a difference. What gets in the way of making a connection?
“With normal good experience, the inner relationships are merged into patterns for relating to others as they really are, for enjoying the “otherness” of others. Such a person is not tortured with doubts about living and he enjoys a spontaneous creativity in his everyday activities. No one is free from conflict arising from the inner cast of figures from whom he is identified but conflicts are ordinarily manageable. Normality means this capacity to “give and take” freely on a basis of realistic appraisals of oneself and others. […] Cut off this relatedness and the whole person, mind and body begins to fragment or deteriorate.” [Sutherland, 1960]
“The falcon cannot hear the falconer:
Things fall apart:
The centre cannot hold:
Mere anarchy is loose upon the world”
WB Yeats “The Second Coming”
This workshop will involve interactive participation and a power point presentation.