Discover online workshops with renowned psychodramatists around the world

Event NamePsychodrama Around the World

Join us on this monthly workshop series where renowned psychodramatists from around the world share their expertise. Learn how they direct, ask questions and get inspired!

Our hope is that in joining us on this psychodramatic journey around the world, you will discover new psychodramatic cultures and traditions that you had never encountered before, and that you will be able to bring some of it back to your home country, in your own work.

DALMIRO BUSTOS, Tenderness, Clusters and sharing, September 2022

This workshop will focus on the evolutionary development of the human being (tenderness) and role theory (clusters).
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EDWARD SCHREIBER, The Social Microscope Workshop, October 2022

The Social Microscope is an experiential and educational method that renders the structure underlying society visible to a group. The structure can then be transformed by a group by advancing equity and full inclusion.
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KATE HUDGINS, From Trauma to Post-Traumatic Growth, November 2022

This workshop introduces participants to immediately useful experiential methods to add to their treatment to trauma. You will learn the three stages of recovery and a specific action intervention called the TSM Body Double that decreases dissociation and provides a safe place inside.
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ZOLI FIGUSCH, Melting Clock, Working with Pathological Grief, December 2022

This experiential zoom workshop will explore loss and grief from the perspective of psychodrama theory, and the psychodramatic technique of the ‘melting clock’, specifically aiming at processing stuck, unresolved or pathological grief.
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JOHN NOLTE, Psychodrama a la Moreno Institute, January 2023

John Nolte will show a video of a psychodrama session he directed as the method was taught by Dr. J. L. Moreno and Zerka T. Moreno at the Moreno Institute in the 1960s and 1970s. He will then process the drama, discussing his thoughts and explaining the decisions he made during the drama.
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MONICA ZURETTI, DEBORA MOGHILEVSKY DE PENNA, FERNÁN RODRIGUEZ CETRÁN, Whales, Fractal and Art, Sociopsychodrama, February 2023

The psychodramatic work proposed is structured in the relationship of art with fractals and with the energy of whales. Our Sociopsychodramatic group pattern will appear by the choice by intuition of “Whales Cards”. Our group work will release a spontaneous creative process, and has the purpose of resolving any conflict or blockage.
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MAURIZIO GASSEAU, The Transformative Wisdom Of Dreams, March 2023

The conductor will provide a brief explanation of the theory behind Jungian Psychodrama and will then demonstrate how to play dreams belonging to different categories: symbolic dreams, visio dreams, nightmares, oracle dreams, recurring dreams and social dreams.
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MANUELA MACIEL, Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Psychodrama, April 2023

The participants will have the opportunity to understand some of the main concepts in Psychogenealogy and to experience the genosociogram and some psychodrama exercises. In this practice they will also experience some closure for transgenerational trauma and realize how they still have an impact in our life, nowadays and in the future.
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REBECCA WALTERS, Creative Uses of the Empty Chair, May 2023

This highly experiential and participatory workshop will include demonstration of creative ways to use both the Sociodramatic and Psychodramatic Empty Chair in groups as well as in working with individuals. Participants will learn ways to use the Empty Chair in both psychodramatic and sociodramatic structures that will include relational sculpting, interpersonal and intrapsychic encounters, role training and ways to concretize surplus reality.
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HELOISA FLEURY, Contemporary Sexuality Expressions, June 2023

The existence of two genders was questioned by a new paradigm that brought the concept of non-binary sex, considering the diversity of expression of gender identity. This workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to give voice to different gender expressions, for man, woman, and other possibilities.
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We are looking forward to having you on this wonderful psychodramatic journey around the world!

Psychodrama Around the World