Dramatherapy/Psychodrama Group in Nottingham

Event NameDramatherapy/Psychodrama Group in Nottingham
Training SchoolJeni Goodfellow-Pemsel
TimesThursday evenings 7pm-9.30pm
LocationThe Iona School
Address310 Sneinton Dale
Description Discover your own challenges, helpers, blockers and
inner resources as you move towards greater
self-knowledge and inner peace within a small supportive group.
We will use play, story, drama, mask, song, art, personal reflection, emotional exploration and bodywork.Jeni Goodfellow-Pemsel state registered Dramatherapist, trainee Psychodrama Psychotherapist and Psychodramatic Bodywork graduate. Has worked in Education for 7 years as a further education counselor and Dramatherapist, currently lectures at Nottingham University on the MA Counselling programme, has a private practice in Nottingham, delivering individual sessions and group work and is also employed in Derby as part of a Dramatherapy team working with young offenders and traumatised children and young people.Valid for group therapy requirements for Dramatherapy and psychotherapy and Counselling traineesSessions £25 – £35 sliding scale
ContactJeni Goodfellow-Pemsel
