Event Name | Living in a Changing World: A non-residential personal development weekend, led by Craig Whisker, Certificated Psychodrama Psychotherapist & Registered Supervisor (BPA), Certificated Psychodramatist & Educator (Australian & Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association) |
Dates | 27 & 28 July 2024 |
Times | 9.30am – 4.30pm each day |
Location | The Bonded Warehouse, Canal Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 4LU |
Your Investment | £95 (no VAT) |
Registration | For brochure & online registration form, please click here |
Email / Phone | craigwhisker1161@gmail.com / 07554 021905 |
Living in a Changing World
The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, maintained that “No man (sic) steps in the same river twice,” meaning that change is a constant reality of life. Whether occurring within us, very close or nearby to us, or more broadly around us in society, globally or cosmically, change affects us all in ways we may be conscious of or not. Typically human beings cope with change by moving away from it (denial and/or despair), against it (argumentativeness and/or aggression) or towards it (acceptance and/or attraction). How we cope with change influences where we direct our life energies and how we perceive our life purposes. So there is much at stake when responding to living in a changing world.
During this personal development weekend we will build up our relationships with a view to exploring changes that have occurred, are occurring, or may occur in our lives and to develop life-affirming responses to them. You can bring any aspect or instance of change that is meaningful to you to the group. We will utilise the psychodrama method, which is a highly adaptable experiential method for promoting personal and relational wellbeing by increasing your innately human capacities for creativity and spontaneity in here-and-now situations. In psychodrama we enact moments from your life (past, present, or future), including those that may arise in the group, to explore the problems and conflicts that cause or accompany change and your resources and solutions to successfully negotiate them in realistic, balanced, and holistic ways. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary.
The workshop takes place on Saturday and Sunday, the 27th and 28th of July, 2024. Participants meet as a group led by Craig Whisker for four 1.5-hour sessions per day, eight sessions in total, to explore the particular purposes and goals that you identify and come to the workshop to achieve. The group work involves self-presentation, interaction, cooperation, and integration of new experience and learning. Each participant completes an “Informed Consent Agreement For Participation” prior to the workshop, which is part of the online registration process.

Craig Whisker is a certificated psychodrama psychotherapist and supervisor with the British Psychodrama Association (BPA) and a registered member and supervisor with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). He is a New Zealander and completed his psychodrama training with the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association between 2000-2008.
Craig is currently a resident of Stourbridge in the West Midlands and works on the Masters of Counselling and Psychotherapy programme at the University of Warwick in Coventry.